Dog Island – It Wasn’t Meant To Be

At this very point in time our plan was to be at Dog Island for a few days. About a week ago, while on Cream Puff getting things ship shape for the trip, I came down with the crud. And, being the kind sharing person that I am, I passed it to Cindy. Between the two of us, we have been sick now for two weeks. This really sucks as we were looking forward to taking advantage of the easterly winds this time of year and the Thanksgiving break for Cindy. But as it happens the winds would not have been favorable. This week, the week we planned to sail there, the winds have shifted to the north making it darn near impossible for us to sail to Dog Island. Of course, we could motor, but what’s the fun in that.

We use passage weather to help predict the forecast and a look for a safe weather window. Of all the services available, this one seems to be the most accurate and dependable. They also offer a low bandwidth site that allows us to download one week of weather charts via our satellite phone (expensive way to surf the internet). As you can see from the pic below, we would have a tough time sailing north on the west coast of Florida. The line on the chart indicates the direction from where the wind is coming. The short hatch marks on the tail of each line represent 5 knots of wind, the long hatch marks represent 10 knots of wind. The chart is telling us the wind will be NNE at 20 knots decreasing to 15 knots by Wednesday with no change in direction. Oh well.

We are now planning another trip. We are not sure where yet. We have scrubbed the idea of Dog Island for now. I can’t beleive it has been a year since we were in the Bahamas on Cream Puff (Thanksgiving 2011). Time flies!


Categories: About Us, Nautical Stuff, Sailing Adventures

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