Boats and Birthdays

I recently celebrated my birthday. What better way to do this than to enjoy a few days aboard Cream Puff. As a part of my birthday celebration we went to the boat with a list of nothing. Usually, I have an assignment listing of chores needing to be done, checked, learned, cleaned or lubricated. This trip was for pure fun. And, fun it was.

Ceviche Tapas Bar & Restaurant

Ceviche Tapas Bar & Restaurant

We went to one of my favorite restaurants in St. Petersburg, Ceviche. Yes, the same Ceviche that was closed by the health department due to a roach infestation in April earlier this year. How bad do you think the roaches must be for the inspectors to do an emergency shutdown? What can I say; I like to live on the edge. Now that I think about it, it is probably not my favorite restaurant in which to eat. But, they have one particular dish that is so yummy, no amount of it will satisfy my gulosity; Paella Valenciana. Oh, so good.



It takes them about 45 minutes to prepare the paella. So in the mean time, Cindy and I drank a large pitcher of sangria. I not going to kid you here, a large pitcher of sangria is an awful lot. I like sangria for two reasons. First, it tastes great and is served over ice (ideal on a hot day). Second, it comes with food inside ~ I mean ~ what other drink can you scoop out chucks of apples, oranges and limes to snack on while waiting for the real meal to arrive. Forget appetizers, I’ll have some more sangria please. On a summer afternoon, sitting on the veranda under the fan looking out over Tampa Bay, the food and drink went down astonishingly well. And, before you ask, yes, everything in our paella was identifiable.




Ceviche’s has flamenco Spanish guitar music in the basement each night. Unfortunately, they don’t get started until about 10:30, or later. I just had a birthday so I can say this. I’m an old fart. I can’t stay up that late anymore. Cindy and I did catch them one night quite a while back (last year). We were much younger then. The music was fantastic.


We arrived back at the boat a little unsteady on our feet but joyous. We were treated to a firework display by the city of St. Pete. Now who would have thought they would have gone to so much expense just for my special day. There was some other small shindig going on downtown, but I know those fireworks were just for me. I wonder how they timed them to start the exact moment we set foot back on Cream Puff. St Pete is a magical place.


Several of our friends came by and before we knew it we had a full blown dock party going. One thing boaters have in common (except for the fact we all spend way too much money on our toys) is we like to pop open an adult beverage, or two, and share time with friends. Any excuse, and I mean, any excuse, is a reason to celebrate life and wellbeing. I was glad I could provide the excuse this time. Thanks everyone for sharing my special day. Oh and by the way, Cindy’s day rolls around next month. Get the beer chilled and sharpen the cork screw. Let’s do it again.


Did you know that the Google doodle dude will do a special Google doodle if you have your birthday updated in your G+ account? How very cool is that! Thanks Google doodle dude.

Google Doodle

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