Looking Back
A Long Reminiscing Post about a Long Journey
The Cream Puff Crew has hit a few milestones. 2024 marked 42 years that Mark and I have been sailing together. In a few months, we will have owned Cream Puff for 14 years. In just a few days it will be 10 years of living full-time on Cream Puff. We tend to forget to […]
Hurry Up and Wait
(This post contains some of my favorite pictures taken while in French Polynesia) For the past couple of months, we’ve been trying to put Tahiti in the rearview mirror. First, we had to wait for a small health issue to clear up and now, the weather is uncooperative. Our next venture means sailing into more […]
Leaving French Polynesia – A Rare Post from the More Private Crew Member
Mark and I are often asked what is the hardest part of the cruising lifestyle. The answer usually depends on where we are located at the time. Our lives are often dictated by bureaucracy and weather. Other times the hardships can be obtaining parts and supplies. Interestingly, long voyages over vast expanses of ocean are […]
7 Years of Sailing
Seven years ago this month we moved onto Cream Puff to live full-time. On May 4th, 2015 we departed St. Petersburg, Florida to set sail and travel the globe. Above is the picture we took as we departed wondering what lies ahead and over the horizon. Now we know what was over the horizon. We […]
7 Years Ago
Seven years ago today, we sold our house and started out on this wacky adventure of ours. Click here to take a look back at that day. Coming soon: Seven years of cruising, our favorite pictures, and fondest memories.