Author Archives: Cindy

A Long Reminiscing Post about a Long Journey

The Cream Puff Crew has hit a few milestones. 2024 marked 42 years that Mark and I have been sailing together. In a few months, we will have owned Cream Puff for 14 years. In just a few days it will be 10 years of living full-time on Cream Puff. We tend to forget to […]

Categories: About Us, Looking Back, Sailing Blog

Two Cents from the Crew-New Zealand

When we first stared this adventure, I was surprised to learn that in the boater/cruising community it is common to call people by their boat name. We are no longer Mark and Cindy. We are collectively called “Cream Puff”.  When we lived on land our friends knew our personalities were divergent.  I find in the […]

Categories: New Zealand, Sailing Adventures, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Snorkeling with Our Buddies

This is a quick blog post about a fun experience  while snorkeling recently. Sergeant Major Damsel Fish are one of my favorite fish. We typically see them closer to the surface. Often under boats or dinghies. We mostly saw yellow Sergeant Major Damsels in the Atlantic. Since we have been west of Galapagos we have […]

Categories: Fiji Islands, Funny Stuff, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Leaving French Polynesia – A Rare Post from the More Private Crew Member

Mark and I are often asked what is the hardest part of the cruising lifestyle. The answer usually depends on where we are located at the time. Our lives are often dictated by bureaucracy and weather. Other times the hardships can be obtaining parts and supplies. Interestingly, long voyages over vast expanses of ocean are […]

Categories: French Polynesia, Looking Back, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Musings from the Crew

I have two musings rattling around in my head. Neither of which would make a complete post so I will mix them up a bit. First a bit about tropical flowers and plants. Second about buses. Mark and I have always enjoyed gardening however indoor plants were a nemesis.  Thank goodness Mother Nature did most […]

Categories: French Polynesia, Sailing Blog, South Pacific Ocean

Feeding the Traffic

While Mark negotiates the traffic at rush hour, I have time to take it all in. We know our way around now so my navigation duties are on hiatus. I came to a realization while sitting in traffic in Panama yesterday. The reason there is so much fast, erratic driving back home in the USA […]

Categories: Pacific Ocean, Panama, Sailing Blog, Shorts and Musings

We are Tourists

Before we arrive in a new place I like to read about the etiquette. It is important to me that I don’t upset anyone or their values. Recently an article I was reading had a paragraph about how to fit in and not stand out as a tourist. It occurred to me that I can […]

Categories: About Us, Pacific Ocean, Panama, Questions Women Ask, Sailing Blog, Shorts and Musings

Trading with the Friendly Kuna People

We tend to buy a few things from each San Blas Island we visit. Our small way of thanking the Kuna people for allowing us to anchor in their beautiful front yard. After over a month in these stunning islands, I have all the molas and beaded jewelry a girl could want. Mark has his […]

Categories: Caribbean, Panama, Sailing Blog

Colombia’s Yellow Cabs

For the year prior to arriving in Colombia we lived mostly on small, quiet islands. The crowds, traffic and hustle and bustle in Colombia has been a little overwhelming. Mark and I use public transportation at most of our stops. In Colombia however, taxi cabs are more convenient and very affordable. I have been trying […]

Categories: Colombia, Sailing Blog

Four Years & Counting

Mark and I recently celebrate four years of continuously living aboard Cream Puff.  The years have gone by so fast. Here are just a few of the hundreds of things I have learned along the way and some pictures from our adventures. Some of the pictures you might have seen before. Some are new to […]

Categories: Caribbean, Funny Stuff, Questions Women Ask, Sailing Blog, Shorts and Musings

Wow! What a ride 2018 has been

We started this year in Martinique. Throughout the year we visited: Dominica, Guadeloupe, Bonaire, Curacao, Aruba, USA (Florida, Texas and Georgia) and Colombia. Yes we flew to the USA but it still makes the list because it’s another passport stamp. Believe it or not, we didn’t sail a lot of miles this year. When we […]

Categories: Sailing Blog

Searching for Flamingos

Sometimes there are desires in life that take awhile to come to fruition. When we were in the Bahamas a couple year ago, I had hoped to see the flamingos on Great Inagua Island. The Inagua Islands are the southernmost islands in the Bahamas. It is reported that there are between 20,000 and 80,000 flamingos each […]

Categories: Bonaire, Caribbean, Sailing Blog

A Thank You to Our Furry Hosts and Hostesses

As Mark’s post said,  our USA trip was a busy one. The time flew by as we checked off a lot of land life items that needed attention. But the best part of the trip was the time we spent with family and friends. That part of the trip past much too quickly. It was […]

Categories: Sailing Blog, USA

A Quick Trip Back to Saint Lucia

It is so awesome to hear and read English again! I can actually read the labels on the products in the store and I know what I am getting without the use of a translator! Not like Martinique where I bought body wash instead of hair conditioner because I forgot to take the translator with […]

Categories: Caribbean, Martinique, Sailing Blog, St Lucia


Meet Karl. Karl was responsible for getting us around Martinique for seven days. I am happy to call an inanimate object a “Him” instead of a “Her” for a change. However, referring to a boat, plane or any lifeless object as female or male has always annoyed me. But at the same time I have […]

Categories: Caribbean, Martinique, Sailing Blog

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