A Thank You to Our Furry Hosts and Hostesses

As Mark’s post said,  our USA trip was a busy one. The time flew by as we checked off a lot of land life items that needed attention. But the best part of the trip was the time we spent with family and friends. That part of the trip past much too quickly. It was […]

Categories: Sailing Blog, USA

We Visit Wimberley Texas

    Continuing our trek, we departed the Texas coastal plains and headed inland to the little town of Wimberley located just outside of the capital city of Austin where we planned to visit with Cindy’s brother. Our journey took us mostly on back roads where we could take in the rural landscapes and small […]

Categories: Sailing Blog, Side Trips, USA

Rockport Strong

We are back in our old stomping grounds. We made a stop in San Antonio for a week to visit Cindy’s sister. For the past few days we have traveled around the Corpus Christi Bay area in Texas. I can’t believe I can write sentences beginning with the words, “Thirty years ago”. This makes me […]

Categories: About Us, Sailing Blog, Side Trips, USA

Road Trip

Big cars! We rented a Toyota Camry in Miami. For us, the car seemed huge. We have rented tiny cars on the islands and have become somewhat used to bumping shoulders in the front seats. I move Cindy’s knee out of the way when I need to shift gears. When we first sat in the […]

Categories: Sailing Blog, Side Trips, USA

U-Turns in the Ocean

You would think I would know better by now. When will I learn? I jinxed our trip just before leaving Key West. When Cindy and I were enjoying our last meal in Key West, an awesome burger at Fogarty’s on Durval Street, we thought this was going to be our last meal in the USA […]

Categories: Maintenance, Sailing Adventures, Sailing Blog, USA

A Quest for Bemis

A few weeks before we started cruising on a boat (about 2 years ago) some long-time cruisers pulled up alongside Cream Puff in St Petersburg, Florida. They were preparing to leave their boat for about 5 months at the marina while they took an extended land vacation. As part of the prep they put all […]

Categories: Funny Stuff, Sailing Blog, USA

We’re in Key West – Stuck Again!

We made it to Key West where we are promptly sitting for about 10 days waiting for the winds to change direction. We have been to Key West many times before and love the architecture, the food and people watching. It is a great walking town with everything we need just a short walk from […]

Categories: USA


Finally! We are out of here. We have been trying to get south but nothing is going our way. Things are not going as planned. But then again, they never do. Our travels are dominated by weather forecasts. We have time on our side and no schedule. They is really no reason for us to […]

Categories: USA

All Systems Go – Or, So We Thought

Well, we are kinda sorta ready to get going. We have enough food to feed an army. We have full tanks of fuel and water. We have our repairs done and most of our projects completed. We have good easterly winds that would make our trip down the west coast of Florida perfect. There is just […]

Categories: Pre-sailing Preparation, USA

Shopping, Car Towing, Parades and Boat Shows

We have a car this week and have been provisioning so we can leave Tampa Bay and head off to sunny islands somewhere. Definition of provisioning: going to Wal-Mart, Publix Grocery and Costco, spending an absolute boat-load (pun intended) of money. Stashing food and goodies in every nook and cranny of the boat while watching […]

Categories: USA

Circus Act

I first became familiar with the phrase circus act quite a few years ago. In the late 1980’s to early 1990’s we were in Texas and kept our boat Water-Melon at the Corpus Christi Municipal Marina. Our next door neighbor on the dock was Celica S. Celica S was a beautiful antique classic motor yacht. […]

Categories: Funny Stuff, Shorts and Musings, Side Trips, USA

We’re Still Here…

The blog has been a little neglected lately. Sorry about that. It is not that we have given up on this whole sailing adventure. It is simply the fact we have been busy having some fun as well as finishing up on a long list of projects we had when we arrived in Tampa Bay. […]

Categories: Side Trips, USA

Seriously! Again?

I’ve been watching way too much television lately. Not the normal stupid election stuff or crappy network programming. Instead, I am glued to watching hurricanes. It started a couple of weeks ago with Hermine and now continues with Matthew. I am glued to it. It is like the car accident on the highway that you […]

Categories: Shorts and Musings, USA

Segwaying Around St. Pete

If you find yourself walking the promenade along St Petersburg’s waterfront and see a group on Segways coming toward you, do not assume the operators know how to control them. We often find ourselves walking along waterfronts. We are usually heading to the grocery store or a local dining option. The broad sidewalks offer the […]

Categories: Side Trips, USA

Hunkering Down for Hurricane Hermine

I may very well be responsible for hurricane Hermine that just hit Florida.  Most cruising sailors, or at least the smart ones, spend the hurricane season outside of the hurricane zone. June to November is the hurricane season with August – September being peak. The safe zone is north of Florida or the very south […]

Categories: Nautical Stuff, Shorts and Musings, USA

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