Pacific Ocean

A Geography Lesson

Moving from the Caribbean closes the book on a chapter of our wacky sailing adventure. Our passage through the canal wasn’t exactly an easy decision to make. The decision mostly evolved from a lack of wanting to continue to cruise the Caribbean islands. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know […]

Categories: Funny Stuff, Pacific Ocean, Panama, Sailing Blog

Transiting the Panama Canal – Part Two

Link to: Transiting the Panama Canal – Part One 5 am came too soon. This is it. This is the big day. I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed. Going into the main salon and peeking in the forward cabin I see the line-handlers completely zonked out. I’ll make the coffee, I thought, that’ll […]

Categories: Caribbean, Pacific Ocean, Panama, Panama Canal, Sailing Blog

Transiting the Panama Canal – Part One

Absolutely feakin’ awesome! Wow! We went through the Panama Canal! I won’t say this was a dream of a lifetime come true but it’s pretty darn close. Because there is so much to talk about, I am going to have to divide this post into two parts. I’ll begin with the preparation and take you […]

Categories: Caribbean, Pacific Ocean, Panama, Panama Canal, Pre-sailing Preparation, Sailing Blog

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